Guide: Subscribing
Monthly subscription fees are to be paid to the following address:
Subscription fee:
0.1 ETH (accepted on ethereum and arbitrum)
0.6 BNB (accepted on binance smart chain)
To subscribe and verify:
Send the subscription fee to the address above. DO NOT SEND FROM AN EXCHANGE WALLET. Send from a wallet you have access to as you need to be able to connect to the dApp in order to verify your subscription.
Navigate to Connect your wallet (Metamask/ Rabby) with the same wallet used to send the subscription fee. This is a read only connection using Metamask's eth_requestAccounts method to return your single, public, hexadecimal Ethereum address string. Which is then matched to a database of eligible wallets. If you are uncomfortable connecting your wallet, then we suggest either creating a fresh wallet for the purposes of subscribing or DM the Block by Block Dev to come to another arrangement.
After connecting your wallet, click the TG ID toggle to get your id number. In Telegram, initiate a conversation with @blockbyblockverifybot, input "/verify". The bot will prompt you for your TG ID, enter it. You will now be given a one-time invite link to the Block by Block Main Chat for subscribers. You will also be granted access to all bots for private use.
Last updated